Thursday, November 4, 2010

I have an Etsy account too....<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script type='text/javascript'>new EtsyNameSpace.Mini(8777054, 'shop','thumbnail',4,1).renderIframe();</script>

The weather is blustery, my little girl is sick :( and I'v every little motivation to do any housework. 
Really want to get lots of Sterling Silver block wires in along with my own mini anvil to allow me to sculpt the many designs I've got whizzing around to create. 

Abosolutely loving wire sculpture work at the moment, to create amazing styles and unusual shapes..... also want to get my own tags made up to personalise all my work, to give it its authentication to buyers.

Not impressed that computer is taking more of my time rather than my creations :(  Note to self, must get heating on in work room, ignore ironing and leave computer alone!

Xmas pretties on their way, have lots of ideas for the Christmas season......  will let you know.

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